We’ve Worked With


We've used SharePoint to help clients make it easier to FIND their documents, SHARE them with the right people, Automate their APPROVALS process and Manage their document DISPOSITION.
We've automated all kinds of business processes - it's not just about document approvals! Do you have a programme of work to manage through stage gates? Is there a risk register to be maintained? Do your staff need regular notifications about news and updates? SharePoint and Power Automate can do this for you.
We can help make it easy for your staff to find the information that they want, and make requests. Even better, we can make it easy on your to put that information out there for them. A well-designed and attractive SharePoint intranet makes everyone happier
We've helped clients stay on top of their data in all kinds of formats - from Power BI dashboards to automatically generated and distributed documents. Just as important, SharePoint has great tools for directing the right kind of information to the right groups of people.